Pro-Dosa BOOST has been widely regarded by the equine industry as a top-quality, nutritional aid for horses, given prior to competition, racing, or transport, after hard work for recovery, and at times of stress to support normal appetite, thirst, and health. What many industry participants are not aware of, however, is that Pro-Dosa BOOST can also be used effectively by stud managers and yearling preparers as a tool to help achieve top prices for yearlings as they go through the sale ring.
Yearlings, under stress during preparation, parades, transport, and at the sales venue, have significantly increased requirements for a number of nutrients including B-vitamins. Pro-Dosa BOOST contains all of the B vitamins in doses that are correctly balanced with each other as well as with all other nutrients. They are important for coat and skin condition, red blood cell and energy production (so tired or lethargic horses will get a lift), nerve cell function (so nervous horses will be better able to relax and focus), and most importantly, especially when yearlings have travelled to the sales and are being stabled in a new and stressful environment, they support normal appetite.
In the last two to three weeks leading up to the sales, it can be helpful to give half a tube of Pro-Dosa BOOST every other day, either mixed in with the feed or applied on the tongue. You will notice gleaming coats and the horses will eat and drink well.
While at the sales, try giving nervous horses one full tube of Pro-Dosa BOOST each day. It contains as much magnesium and thiamine as many calming products available on the market, and these nutrients actually work better when given in combination with each other and with the amino acids tryptophan and tyrosine than if administered separately.
For those that are not eating well or who are tired, give a full tube each day they are at the sales complex to support normal appetite and give them a lift.
Pro-Dosa BOOST contains 22 unassembled amino acids in good balance with each other. Unassembled amino acids stimulate thirst more effectively than electrolytes in dehydrated horses, and they provide the building blocks for protein and muscle cell growth.
Pro-Dosa BOOST contains a sizable dose of Vitamin C which supports normal immune function and scavenges free-radicals, thereby protecting muscle cells from oxidative damage that occurs in transport. They will arrive at the sales in the best possible condition if they are given a full tube a couple of hours before loading them to travel to the sales complex.
Always ensure horses have access to plenty of clean fresh water so they can keep hydrated throughout their preparation and sales.